Nicole Ma

"I'm someone who likes to study and figure things out on my own. But during my Freshman year, I realized that I would sometimes spend an unnecessarily long amount of time on certain homework problems." Nicole Ma began. Nicole is from Sugar Land, Texas and is a double major Psychology and Economics student with a minor in Spanish. She was previously involved in MUN, is currently a leader at the The Baylor Asian Ministry Intervarsity, and is a part of Student Foundation, Baylor Swim Club and Baylor Triathlon Club.
Nicole found out about the Tutoring Center through advertising she saw posted around campus. When she eventually wandered into the center, she found a solution to her challenges, "You can just walk in and find help at the Tutoring Center. It's easy and very accessible. When you go in, the people are so nice. What I think is great is that they don't just give you the answers to your homework problems. They really walk you through the process so that you understand the concepts."
She continued, “It’s really great to have these support programs because sometimes you need that one-on-one support. Some people might have fears or negative connotations surrounding the need for academic support. But really, I found that it’s more efficient and a smarter use of my time to get help on certain problems that I would otherwise spend hours stuck on. The Tutoring Center makes learning easier and the tutors explain concepts in ways that professors may not have had time to in class. Getting support at the center frees me up to pursue other on-campus activities that I’m passionate about.”